Lauter Award for Graduate Student Creativity and Research Excellence
Interdepartmental Genetics and Genomics is pleased to announce an annual award in memory of Dr. Nick Lauter, USDA Research Geneticist, and active faculty member in the IGG graduate program at Iowa State University from 2006 to 2021. Dr. Lauter was a highly skilled geneticist who approached his diverse research interests with creativity and enthusiasm and engaged in rich collaborations to address complex scientific questions.
The Lauter Award will annually recognize an IGG graduate student who demonstrates research excellence, brings a spirit of creativity, originality, and thoroughness to their research, and engages in fruitful collaborations to further their research goals.
The Lauter award is open to IGG graduate students in any genetics field who have advanced to PhD candidacy (i.e. passed the preliminary exam).
To support this memorial with a monetary gift please visit the ISU Foundation Genetics and Genomics donations page and "I want to support a fund not listed here and will add specific designation in Notes and instructions below" and in the "Notes/Instructions" please type Lauter Award.
We appreciate your generosity and look forward to providing this award in memory of Nick for years to come.
For nomination details please see the IGG webpage under "Current Students."